I finally got around to sending cards back to Topps for replacement. The driving motivation was 2023 Topps Archives. I bought two boxes, and almost every last card of each pack (over 48 packs!) had a dinged upper left corner. I also had some Bowman Chromes that needed replaced. Altogether, 68 cards went back and came back. The only one that was not one-for-one replaced was a 2023 Bowman Platinum auto, but at least it was a blue #/150 like I sent back.
What was different was the Allen & Ginter pack I got. I had received a pack in a mystery box from Cheap Fun Breaks and one pack was missing a card … likely the middle insert. So, I submitted that and they sent me a whole pack. Did I get an insert? Let’s see!
A 5-card pack
So, it wasn’t a full pack … because it had a thick relic card! A John DiMaggio relic! Also, an Oswald Peraza mini, a Lute “Music to Your Ears” insert, and base Sean Murphy (#253) and Manny Machado (#49). Not bad at all!